Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sorry, I Love You Review

Fanfic Url:
Fanfic Title: Sorry, I Love You
Author: MaknaeLove
Reviewer: Hainexazien@

Title –3/5
First of all, the title wasn’t really creative as it was overused and you can see it quite a lot while scanning pages while looking for a Fanfiction to read. Though it could be considered suitable for your fanfic, I could imagine a whole bunch of other titles that would be even more suitable. Titles are one the main tools in attracting readers to your fanfic, and if it’s not original or creative enough, you won’t have a lot of audience for your fanfic.

Appearance –4/5
I loved the poster, but perhaps you could add a color to the background to suit the poster? The background didn’t blend in with the background, so that was good.

Forewords –9/10
The forewords were really good, but I would have preferred the prologue in the forewords, but instead you had a longer one on the first chapter :) which was good as well! Good Job!

Storyline –12/15
The storyline is really commonly used, and I’ve seen a lot of it before. But somewhat, you’ve added an originality to the story, and so it didn’t seem so much the same as the other ones I’ve read before. Nicely done!

Story Flow –15/15
The flow was just right! Good Job!

Character Development—15/15
There isn’t a lot of chance to develop characters in one/two shots! But you have definitely showed that it is possible! Very well done!

Descriptions –8/10
There wasn’t much description, but the writing was really detailed. Adding more descriptions regarding the characters could create a better image in the readers’ minds.

Spelling/Grammar – 4/4
There are both minor mistakes, but I’m sure that you’d want to go back and fix them. Otherwise, there’s nothing much to worry about. You were easy to understand, and I couldn’t find many mistakes in your story.
‘I am I really nothing to you?’ didn’t really make much sense, but I’m guessing that you just mixed up ‘I’ and ‘am’ and put it the other way around? Because it makes sense the other way around; not anything major, but just wanted to let you know there was a mistake.
Also, you wrote ‘After reading it for the nth time, I sighed…’ What do you mean by nth time? Was there supposed to be a number instead of the ‘n’? Please go back and fix that, because it does confuse the reader. Though it’s not a major mistake, it could be fixed and could allow the reader to picture a better image in the mind.

Keeping Interest –10/10
I read the whole story without my mind drifting! You kept my attention the whole time! Good Job!

Ending –5/5
I loved the ending :)

Bonus Points –5/5
Reading the story truly made my day!

Total –90/100

If I’ve offended you in any way during this review, I apologize. But reading this story has reminded me of something I never had the courage to do –to tell someone that I loved them, and if it really is what you’ve done in your life, then I praise you for it, because it really takes a lot of courage to do. :) I enjoyed reading your story! Good luck on your next one! Thanks for requesting at Kiwi Flight! Have a nice day!

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