Sunday, April 25, 2010

Figment Review

Fanfic Url:
Author: th1rd3ye

Title: 4/5
I loved the title of the story, and it suited your story really well! Though if I were looking for stories on winglin, your title wouldn’t have been one that I would have clicked on; even though it suited your story well, it still needs to attract attention.

Appearance: 4/5
The poster was really beautiful, but it held no quotes or anything that told me anything about your story at all. The font would sometimes mix with the background, but other than that, good job!

Forewords: 8/10
I liked how you wrote previews and the credits in your forewords, but it would’ve been better if you would’ve added a bit more detail into the forewords, rather than just words and words. But overall, it was quite a good foreword.

Storyline: 10/15
The storyline was actually quite common, other than the little twist in the end in how you made it all into a figment. Try to add more detail into your story, and things that happen to make it more unique and different than the stories out there with the same plot.

Story Flow: 11/15
The story flowed quite fast in the beginning and it went from being strangers to lovers in merely one sentence. It reminded me of the ‘3 year later’ concept where you’ll just write 3 years later, and there’s no need to write anymore that’s happening. But the flows that it eventually developed in the last two chapters were great. Though when he disappeared and she jumped after him, it kind of confused me.

Character Development: 13/15
The characters were developed really well, as in TaeMin’s personality and our personality was developed very well. Though as I ready, I often didn’t get what EunJae was thinking –the way she was acting. You could’ve put a bit more detail into it.

Descriptions: 8/10
You were often not very descriptive. It could be improved; though you did use really unique words, and I awarded you points for that.

Correct Spelling and Grammar: 4/5
I found no spelling mistakes when reading the story, though many of the sentences in your story was choppy.

Keeping Interest: 10/10
The story kept my interest during most of the story, so perfect for that!

Ending: 5/5
I really liked the twist in the end, and it really surprised me.

Bonus: 5/5
Good Job! I really enjoyed reading your story and the little twist in the end. Just add a little more detail and it’ll be perfect! Thank-you for requesting at kiwi-flight!

Total: 82/100

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